one of my promises/resolutions i made to myself was to make use of clothing items i don't wear often. i swapped out and left my (torn, shredded, beat-up, very worn-out but very sentimental to me) white Adidas Sambas back home in the midland with my Reebok's...they're so slept on guys... the look, the comfort (especially if you have flat feet), the variety--it's got everything you want. i wore my pair out today during my on-foot commute on campus today and it was cool showing them off. #hellyeah #shoutoutreeboks
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Jan 22, 2024

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miiiight be a little bit basic?? but they just go with everything and are (imo) so comfortable. also have had the same pair for 5 years now and they are still in such great condition somehow
Sep 24, 2024
i like them - they're affordable, and pretty tough. They're my airport shoe.
Sep 24, 2024
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been a big fan of using things down to the last drop, especially clothing which our culture increasingly is treating as disposable. i've had these sneakers for like 7 years. they survived hot texas pavement you could fry an egg on while i was working at summer camp, carried me on plenty of hikes, survived getting submerged in salt water in connecticut, and lived most of their golden years in the trunk of my car as the forever on-call backup shoes. their last act of service to me was walking me three miles home after the chain snapped on my bike. by the time the midsole peeled off just now, the treads on the soles had been almost completely worn flat. time to get some new sneakers and grind them to dust for 7 years. thanks for the arch support, New Balance 574s 🫡
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platonic love, romantic love, or even small doses of love (compliments, kind gestures, gift-giving) -- it's a constant reminder the people around you care deeply about you. love is everywhere in many forms. don't take it for granted, cause they really love you so!
Sep 23, 2024
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woke up this morning to my article live on the front page of a local magazine i've read for so many years... feels like a full-circle moment i already have plenty of articles out on college publications, but this hits so much different. i'm sure all journalists know the ecstatic feeling of having your article published for the first time, as i'm experiencing that joy right now. just overall very chipper this morning :)
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