woke up this morning to my article live on the front page of a local magazine i've read for so many years... feels like a full-circle moment i already have plenty of articles out on college publications, but this hits so much different. i'm sure all journalists know the ecstatic feeling of having your article published for the first time, as i'm experiencing that joy right now. just overall very chipper this morning :)
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Jun 26, 2024

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depending on your experience level and writing portfolio, a lot of smaller and independent pubs are fairly accessible for budding music journos. if you have a solid story idea and interest in getting into music journalism, editors will be receptive to that! for the portfolio part, reviewing local shows or writing short essays and publishing them on a personal blog or substack can be a great starting point. for publications: i’d reccomend new feeling co-op! I’ve written for them a few times and they’re so kind & are all about helping new writers find their voice in music journalism.
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if my bunk ass town has one yours definitely must. that's the #1 place to go if you want to get covered - they're usually starved for content and jump at the chance to cover something local - especially if it's diy and artsy
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My city has a small local newspaper and it’s awesome. Once a week they have an artfully designed front cover, a new crossword(my fav) and sudoku, news stories from the week, classifieds, and an events section letting you know all the little happenings throughout that week, with a whole dedicated section for music stuff going on around town. it makes me happy
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platonic love, romantic love, or even small doses of love (compliments, kind gestures, gift-giving) -- it's a constant reminder the people around you care deeply about you. love is everywhere in many forms. don't take it for granted, cause they really love you so!
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