literally have to remind myself of this on a daily basis, but seriously, sometimes it’s just about acknowledging that shit is not as serious as it seems and you’re in fact not the center of the universe!! yes, we’re all the main characters of our own lives, but it’s also good to just experience the world by helping others and without thinking that everything is out to personally get you. live laugh love babeyy
Jan 23, 2024

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life is literally just existing, do it how you want too. when I find myself thinking too hard about how I’m presenting myself I try mentally slapping my self out of it by remembering that I’ll never see most of these people again. if I do see them again I remind myself I want them to know me as myself not as a person I curated for them. It’s never that serious, so all we got do is have fun dance and be in the moment.
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early 80s to early 2000s truck models are the perfect sizes imo. current trucks are transformer-sized behemoths that could easily crush normal vehicles into smithereens upon impact and i legit don’t know how those things are even street-legal. also, idk if it’s their design, reliability or the nostalgia factor per-se, but there’s a certain sazón those older trucks have that newer ones don’t. 2024 Ford F-150? 🤮🤢 1980 Ford F-150? 🫦🫦
with social media being this pervasive entity that has weeded its way into our daily routines for the past 20ish years (plus a global pandemic that really solidified those habits), many young adults today have spent a large amount of their lives living online. it has become the new norm and i’m not gonna pretend i’m above any of this because it’s so easy to fall into it (i am literally writing this rec on my phone whilst it’s a perfectly sunny day that i should probably go out to enjoy). with that being said, in the larger scheme of life, being in your 20s is still in a weird way the beginning stages of your life. it’s a period to try new things, make mistakes, learn from them and develop an identity that’s independent from the environment and people who raised you. though you can learn to do some of those things online, they don’t hold a candle to actually experiencing those things for yourself in real life. all in all, the best way to not sleep thru your 20s is to prioritize in-person experiences that allow you to get a better understanding of yourself and your values. whether that be getting your first tattoo, moving to a new city or country, exploring your personal style or taking up hobbies you couldn’t or would‘ve never done as a kid, this is an important formative time to venture out and get a sense of who you truly are.
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