man, libraries ROCK !!!! what do you mean i can just chill here in this chair... in this warm building with high ceilings... all of these shelves full of delights like graphic novels and how to speak another language... and then i can take my favourite books home... FOR FREE ?!?! i am so happy i left the house to go to the library today
Jan 23, 2024

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forgot how much i love em and then got caught in a rainstorm and took shelter in my local council run library. Such a great selection! a space with no pressure to do or buy anything! What a luxury to be able to just hang around in a public place.
May 28, 2024
cold take that I'll be preaching till the day I die but libraries are glorious. buying books is cool but if I'm not trying to own something forever it's so OP to be able to just get it for free when I feel like it. so many movies that aren't on streaming services too, and yet people act like I've blown their mind when I mention the library. why are more people not on this? I literally have three library cards for different cities.
Feb 2, 2024
🔌 i've been working so hard this summer to rip these wires out of my brain, meaning i'm trying to detach myself from the internet as a replacement for community 🖍️ i think back to how often, as a child being raised in poverty, i relied on the library for community, entertainment, friends, a space for learning, a space to feel safe, a space to be free to dive into my interests without class shame now, finding myself, as an adult still living in poverty, returning to libraries searching for those same things. it feels restorative in nature 💘 i love going to libraries to meet with people, to borrow media & tools for creation 📚 also, with the realization there is no technical limit on how many library cards one can acquire has stoked this desire to become a member of libraries in different regions its free, its without shame, its with love, for love
Jun 28, 2024

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it's been a week since i'm rid of it and tbh i don't really miss it; i just buy cd's from the charity shop and listen on my cd player when home. if i REALLY crave a certain song whilst out and about then i'll just go on youtube. so far it's nice to not have the decision paralysis of what music i want to listen to and i feel like i'm getting to experience music as more of a whole thing bc i can't just keep flicking between artists. and i'm not ashamed that i did enjoy coldplay's parachutes album on a soft and fading thursday evening!
Feb 9, 2024
(london born and raised!) i don't live there anymore as found it too tiring of a city, but i lovedddd going for walks along the canal path. depending how long of a walk you fancy, you can start from anywhere really – but my fave spots are by haggerston station and victoria park, where you can head away from the canal to either explore the park or general bethnal green area :)
Oct 20, 2024