tragically got struck with COVID in the year 2024 while in Times square on a work trip. you really couldn't manufacture a more disgusting combination of words...
bc i was already onto the "fun" part of my work trip and didn't want to infect any more of my gorgeous friends, i decided to check myself into the Ludlow in LES for a night, thanks to POOG's evergreen recommendation. early check-in at noon? gorgeous bathtub? plush robes? mini bar more stacked than my own home? an incredible burger + fries while binge-watching sex and the city for the first time?????
staff had to drag me kicking and screaming the next day........
was sick w COVID here and it was heaven. bathrobes, bathtub with view of city, extensive room service menu, stocked mini bar w delicious snacks and wine, what more could u ask for??
i love that our seemingly high-tech phones still cannot do the job of capturing the moon‘s ethereal essence. it’s so humbling and vulnerable to attempt to take a photo of her and have it come out all ugly and orb-like. it’s literally none of ur business to see what she looks like anytime apart from the present moment!
(and please don’t tell me if samsung or google pixel have invented technology to do a better job of this. it wouldn’t sit right with me… like trying to sneakily undress a woman without her consent when she has explicitly stated she’d rather remain demurely clothed and mysterious)