My coworker skipped a Vampire Weekend song on the work playlist
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Jan 24, 2024

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Vampire Weekend is the best band of all time. I exclusively listen to Edith Piaf, the Newsies Soundtrack, and Vampire Weekend. But mostly Vampire Weekend. I play that shit on repeat all day long. I wake up and listen to “Horchata” for about an hour, then I move on to the song “Step” and then for the rest of the day, walking around New York, I listen to their album “Father of the Bride.” I fell in love for the first time to the sounds of Vampire Weekend, and so I just don’t see the point in listening to anything else. I’ve never had sex to Vampire Weekend but my next boyfriend will love doing that, I just know it. VW’s music lifts me up and shoves me down and makes me nostalgic for things I have and haven’t had. Their music works well in every country. I feel like life is big and beautiful and that I’m absolutely unstoppable when “I Stand Corrected” is blasting. People like to say I have terrible taste in music but I disagree. Also, there is nothing ironic about my praise here. I love Vampire Weekend. I hope one day I become semi-famous so that they will have no choice but to play at my wedding.
Sep 21, 2021
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Ezra loves a song aimed at / about a specific and even "named" person, even if that person is a composite vs. a real human. The wistful vibes on this new album are redolent of "Hannah Hunt," another sorta-person in his song sack (I used to work with someone named Hannah Hunt and she loved the fact that I knew this song existed). Growing up is hard, yo. I also very much dig the 90s style sampled drum loop on this here track. Trip-hop redux, ha. The tour can't get to my town fast enough!
Mar 29, 2024
Idk what it is but I can’t even listen to one of their albums all the way through. The songs don’t mean anything to me.
Apr 25, 2024

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