Serious sushi chefs only touch rice for their first 3 years of training, so you can put in a little extra effort and make your rice better. Like an omelette, one of the easiest things to make, but most difficult to perfect.
inviting all your friends into your house then eating dinner with them and then playing cards? Idyllic! A hard-to-come-down-from HIGH you can’t get anywhere else
Last night I got help cooking, cleaning, repotting my plants and packing for my trip! All cause I said; hey come over for dinner! magic is real
Can’t stop saying things like ““ordering an americano and a chocolatine for breakfast”” ““”washing your hands”“” ”””opting to not wear a scarf today because it’s 2 degrees””” to myself
I swear it’s like a CBT technique but better
The white haired man reading tomes on my bus, where do you go once you get into the metro station?
Do you too see our friend with the scraggly beard in the Russian hat and floor length trench coat?
the Father and I get off at the same stop, but the daughter stays on after muttering over a response to an “i love you” she probably gets daily