At random: “Elaine swept into the kitchen and was about to tell Lina about the two disco men when she spotted a light on the phone.  Thinking it was for her, she picked it up, and heard Ross say, ‘Jesus, Karen, you've just given me a giant hard-on.’ She listened silently to the rest of the conversation, hung up at the same time as Ross, and hurried out the back door. Once in her car, she coasted down the driveway, started the engine, and ripped off down the street, barely screeching to a halt at the first stop sign. She was being royally screwed by her best friend. No. Correction. Ross was being royally screwed by her best friend. Etta Grodinski from the Bronx. Karen Lancaster from Beverly Hills. A scream rose in her throat which she stifled, although many a therapist had told her to let it all out. ‘That…that…cunt!’ she hissed. That cunt with those awful nipples. ‘That cheating, stealing bitch!’ she yelled out loud. ‘Just who does she think she is?’ A man in the car beside her stared. ‘What are you looking at?’ she raged, and sent the Mercedes rocketing off down Sunset heading for Bel-Air and Bibi Sutton.”
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Jan 24, 2024

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