At the end of each year I select ~100 photos from the 2000+ I took that year, print them and put them in a box. When friends come over I give them the box to flick through while I make coffee/drinks/get a snack. It's a nice way of sharing the moments that mattered to you.
it feels so good to flip through a stack of photos and point at them rather than swipe through looking for a good one part of it i think is that if you’re printing photos you’re forced to do the curation on the front end of the process. doesn’t matter how you print them. i got a little instax printer bc im a former tumblr girl but i also have a membership with mootsh that gives you a little monthly set of prints plus a contact sheet that help me stay on top of capturin and curating memories through the year.
Use one of those sites to print out all the photos you took on your most recent vacation or trip with friends. You will never not enjoying looking through the book