The first step of taking a good pic is definitely getting the settings of the camera you’re using. Most modern phones take great pictures, so mess with the zoom, focus, brightness, etc levels on that. However, I love a digital camera for pictures because I feel like you fool around with the settings once and then there isn’t much editing you have to do after that. You can find cheap ones online if you look for lightly used ones. I think the one I use is a sony cybershot? I’m pretty sure most of them are similar, just be sure to always have the flash setting on and mess around with exposure and stuff (I looked up tiktoks for the settings of my specific camera lmao). For posing, movement is everything. Have whoever is taking the picture just do bursts of photos as you continuously go through poses. Run a hand through your hair, switch what leg you’re putting your weight on, hold ur hands behind your back, smile really big so your eyes squint, look more serious/seductive, etc. Most people who have really good ig feeds are taking hundreds of pics for one post. Lastly, everyone edits their pictures. I don’t mean editing body of facial features, but lighting, exposure, things from the background, frizzy hair, stains on shirts, yellow teeth, etc. I like the apple camera roll settings for exposure, balance, clarity, and color balance. vsco for filters. picsart for editing things out/in and small beautifications. P.S. lighting is also very important (why the digi flash makes everyone looks so good) so make sure the light is facing you, not behind you!! Practice makes perfect, so just keep trying and good luck:)