consider the fact that under this short roof of your second home your freedom is boundless even while stationary. i am myself fully and securely and can see the world as it isā€”surrounded by window
Jan 24, 2024

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A close relative of sitting in the shower (something I also love), sitting in the car while parked is neither about the journey nor the destination, but you being contained. The world may be your oyster, but sometimes you want to stay in your shell, OK?? P.S. if you want the deluxe version of this experience, have a little bevvie to sip while you sit with the car turned off for, say, a minimum of fifteen minutes after getting home. Sacred.
Sep 19, 2024
itā€™s when i feel most alive. iā€™ve recently realized what a privilege it is to be in control of your transportation. to move from one place to another under your own volition. to drive or be driven. to be lovingly carried somewhere new, where the air is cooler and the sun is lower. feel the breeze on your face and let the wind run itā€™s fingers through your hair. drive fast with the windows down. even in the winter. feel it all and feel it hard. i hope i will never grow out of the desire to smile out at the world as it whirs by.
Oct 7, 2024
Especially late at night, but it works during the day too. I think because youā€™re not on the move but youā€™re also not at a destination or at home. Itā€™s kind of like the ultimate in-between state. Thereā€™s something very romantic about it to me, and I like other ā€œin-betweenā€ settings for the same reason, like airports and rest stops. I think itā€™s because your thoughts appear more naked to you when you donā€™t have something familiar around you to latch on to. And you also arenā€™t in a position to take any kind of action at the present moment, so itā€™s easier to confront your thoughts. Thereā€™s a book called Non-Places: An Introduction to Super-Modernity by Marc AugĆ© that kinda speaks on this. So Iā€™ll recommend that too.
Aug 17, 2023

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