A close relative of sitting in the shower (something I also love), sitting in the car while parked is neither about the journey nor the destination, but you being contained. The world may be your oyster, but sometimes you want to stay in your shell, OK?? P.S. if you want the deluxe version of this experience, have a little bevvie to sip while you sit with the car turned off for, say, a minimum of fifteen minutes after getting home. Sacred.
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Sep 19, 2024

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Especially late at night, but it works during the day too. I think because you’re not on the move but you’re also not at a destination or at home. It’s kind of like the ultimate in-between state. There’s something very romantic about it to me, and I like other “in-between” settings for the same reason, like airports and rest stops. I think it’s because your thoughts appear more naked to you when you don’t have something familiar around you to latch on to. And you also aren’t in a position to take any kind of action at the present moment, so it’s easier to confront your thoughts. There’s a book called Non-Places: An Introduction to Super-Modernity by Marc Augé that kinda speaks on this. So I’ll recommend that too.
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Would you like stupid good hair? My friend Mara is not only an incredible stylist, but she made this ridiculously amazing hair oil that smells like jasmine, vetiver, and citron-kissed heaven. It’s the only product that has ever made my hair look genuinely cute cute air-dried. I scrunch it into my waves after showering and have to fight the urge to slather my whole body in it. Mara, if you’re reading, please make a perfume, too! 
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