I’m a shameless trendfucker so naturally I experienced a real crisis when everyone started switching back to big, bulky over-the-ear headphones. I’m also the sweatiest person ever born so I can’t deal with headphones that are too heavy or well-insulated– which is basically everything on the market– so these were a godsend. They’re such a weird and ugly fashion statement and make me feel like I work at a call center. There are lots of aftermarket color pads for the ears too which is fun.
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Jan 24, 2024

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Cute, fun, and retro! They’re on-ear, not over-ear, but they aren’t bulky at all and even fold down! I think they sound pretty great for the price point but the trade off you make is that they’re pretty leaky. I loved mine though—used them for years + went through a couple pair (but the warranty is great + worth accessing). Might be worth it to spring for models with replacement cords available cos for me, those were always what failed first.
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The koss are a classic look and actually sound quite good, also they have a lifetime guarantee and they will literally just mail you new ones if they break, you just have to pay shipping. The audio technicas however are my bread and butter. Good price point and AMAZING sound. Been reliable for 2+ years for me
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I don't mean going to get groceries or Starbucks or something. I mean a bar or a movie or a diner-- places where you're expected to have company. Can either highlight some areas you need to improve psychologically or can make you feel totally sublime and alive
Jan 26, 2024
People underestimate the power of the olfactory when it comes to coaxing yourself to sleep. Melatonin has just given me schizo dreams so I started spritzing myself with a few calming fragrances right before bed and it really changed everything. Not only is it a totally decadent and regal thing to do, it really does help you go to sleep. I go for Le Labo Ylang if I'm feeling really bougie but otherwise I'll do a dupe of Tom Ford Ombré Leather or Lust by Lush. Speaking of Lush, solid perfumes are EXCELLENT for this as they smell great, last a long time, and it can take years to run out.
Mar 12, 2024
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I've become a pretty intense VHS collector over the last year and one of the great joys of this new hobby has been all of the good people online selling fanmade tapes of contemporary movies. They take the graphic design for the packaging VERY seriously and it's such a unique and lovingly made novelty item to have in your house. Plus they're actually playable and watching some straight-to-Netflix type shit with VHS grain makes you feel like you've stepped through a portal to another world. I think the hyperrealness of 4K HD we're all subject to is evil and everyone should have a VCR.
Jan 22, 2024