American postwar artist into quiet, intimate scenes boasting masterful command of light, especially in her paintings of flowers/gardens/lawns. i also enjoy how she renders burning houses. she’s a little old lady now, nice moment in the lore.
constantly tug at my heart. i‘m deep into arthur dove and harald moltke, but she captures a different level of shiftiness and uncertainty in how we expect the earth to behave
this is “phenomenon #28” 2020
oil on wood
~8.6 x 5.5 inches
Her work is otherworldly and glamorous and I’m constantly inspired by it. The fact that she, one of the most influential surrealists of the 20th century, is commonly remembered only as Picasso’s mistress and the subject of the weeping woman haunts me
my favorite album front to back. just… haunting. the eponymous song is my favorite singer songwriter track ever recorded. closing verse on “open all night” some of the dirtiest bars ever spit
the range between existential hope and practical despair is what i am most attracted to here
i do my heaviest weight lifting in my nebraska crop top
for fans of the album, have you read “heart of darkness” by david burke? details the album’s place in greater folk history/bruce’s arc