my last rec reminded me of this. incredibly smart and moving collection of poetry, detailing the opioid crisis of Appalachia through the eyes of urban legend cryptid Mothman. wish i could read it for the first time again!
Nature Obscura, Kelly Brenner
Mycophilia, Eugenia Bone
Anything by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Upstream, Mary Oliver -> Poetic!
All Art is Ecological, Timothy Morton
"Then it came to me, my little life. I remembered my life the way an axe handle, mid-swing, remembers the tree. & I was free."
Truly nobody does it like Ocean Vuong
its the best way to consume media. DONT show me a trailer DONT let me read the flap on the inside of the novel DONT tell me there’s even an alien in it. Dont tell me what it’s about just be like “it’s good you should check it out”