I got an old one for like a tenner but you should ideally wake up to thought for the day every day. Makes u feel like ur in groundhog day/wallace and gromit
Jan 24, 2024

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Since teenagehood I always used my iPhone’s alarms, those horrible sounds to abruptly wake me from sleep and comfort. Now I use a radio alarm clock I got from Sharper Image that slowly gets louder over the course of 2 minutes to whatever station I desire! This makes waking up easier, and slower, less abrupt. You also can get lost in the radio, weekends are for the classical station and weekdays are for NPR. I wake up at 7 or 7:30am and lay in bed for a bit listening to the news and stories, not immediately looking at my phone, which now charges out of reach from my bed, which I also recommend! You can get them at Best Buy for like $20.
Jun 9, 2022
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“but shadowbeni, how can I keep my phone out of my bedroom if I need an alarm to wake up?” get your tuckus over to eBay and search around for some vintage alarm clock radios. There are so many and some are incredibly cool. search reddit for some suggestions on sound quality, make sure you read the seller descriptions carefully (sometimes they’re just selling for parts, can also ask them to send a video of it working) and find a vibey machine with some character that will get you outta bed with a buzz or some tunes from your local commercial-free listener-supported radio. I got the Proton 320. It may not look like much but I love it for the green and blue lights, the bass and sound quality. I woke up to The Smashing Pumpkins today.
Sep 10, 2024

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I think it’s beautiful that they are always the worst flavour in anything artificial yet make real shit so good. It’s like a metaphor
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He’s so old and wily and he has such a huge face for a small man. Looking good and having fun. Beautiful drive. wish he got Monaco last year but everyone knows he’s got a few wins left in him
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