- Olive oil, garlic, tomato paste, red chili flakes
- chopped cherry tomatoes
- heavy whipping cream, add water from boiling the gnocchi
- finely grated Parmesan and some butter
- mix in gnocchi
- top with more Parmesan
- serve
remarkably easy, bonkers delicious……. i wish i had a recipe 4 u guys but i simply did what i was told.. potato, flour & egg is the extent of my knowledge. bUT cutting & shaping them is an incredibly satisfying experience & a great excuse 2 play with some dough for a bit
Growing trend. Old people been doing it forever. Here to affirm they’re doing it right. Seeing movies with friends is great but sometimes you just gotta settle in by yourself
and like sometimes do it up nice. light some candles, cook a meal, make it festive or something. That -domestic come over I’ll make you a drink that maybe I’m not a good enough drink maker to make and hopefully it’s good-type hosting. havin them feel the love and fun of friendship