i don’t like eggs but here is what i eat instead rice and tofu white rice, tofu however you liked your tofu and a vegetable you enjoy (i usually do tomato bc they r very cheap (i know that’s a fruit shut up)) topped with shoyu potatoes boiled until soft and then fried until crispy and topped with cheese, you can also put them in a breakfast burrito ramen make your regular ramen but add so much broccoli and bok choy lentil soup with a crusty bread, truly divine
Jan 25, 2024

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u just make oatmeal w some miso in it and u can top it with a soft boiled egg or even a layer of scrambled egg with dashi & mirin in it which is what i did today and then you can top it with soy & scallions or furikake or even perilla and then you have the perfect savory breakfast for a cold morning i would post a picture but i ate it too fast
Oct 24, 2024
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I was vegan for a while and I would make this pretty often. it’s silken tofu mashed and cooked in a pan with whatever spices and veggies you want. You can serve it on toast or eat it however, I would usually throw it in a breakfast burrito. (and if you want easy I would just make it in bulk put it in my burritos with my other ingredients and freeze them. Then just pop them in the microwave) V delicious and good source of protein.
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i recently started making this and it’s DELICIOUS and so versatile. fry some tofu with a sauce that u like (i use sweet chilli) boil a pot of water with soy sauce and ginger. when boiling add a vege stock cube and garlic and mix. then add in your veggies of choice (i recommend bok choy or spinach) add some chilli flakes if you like. once that’s getting cooked then add in noodles of choice. i use udon or pad thai rice noodles. add anything you want!!! then add tofu, garnish with green onion or bean sprouts and chilli flakes and you’re done!
Jan 14, 2025

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