pretty much the same reason sasha said. i’m a huge fan of the saying “ignorance is bliss” for this exact reason. what i don’t know can’t hurt me. i’m not saying i’m dumb, but i’d definitely prefer to just not know some things!
the less fuck you give, the happier you will be. i cannot stress this enough but please don't let those mf ruin things for you; may it be music, movie, or anything silly that makes you happy. who cares !!?!
every ig update reminds me of how far i am from the life i was promised. i was supposed to be working at buzzfeed making six figures writing listicles wearing those studded steve madden pumps and posting only squares with the rio dijanero filter.
every ig update is like a new gunshot to my already bleeding body. they’re useless and unwanted. idgaf about turning my feed to rectangles. show me who unfollowed me. next update is gonna be a tab with two buttons: one sucks your dick and the other shoots you in the face except you don’t know which one is which. honestly i’d rather have that instead of the rectangles. Modernity I Rebuke You.
i feel like an 80s mobster. or a 19th century bachelor with an unfortunate attraction to bohemia. someone who would’ve been called a rake in those days bc i was dancing with married women and gambling and learning french instead of carrying on the bloodline or courting duchesses.
i fell up the escalator at the union square station and ended up with this bruise on my thigh that quite literally spells out HI. if it is who i hope it is then thats cool. if its not then thats also ok too because this is the coolest shit ever. i feel like that guy in glee when he found the grilled cheesus. here’s the bruise with the photo edited for clarity i promise im not unwell just turn up your brightness. let me think about the dead people i know whose birthdays could be coming up.