the internet used to feel messy and infinite, full of weirdos and subcultures and criminals and inexplicable little nerd projects from anonymous friends you made on message boards. then everything became twitter and instagram, which was cool until everything irl started looking and feeling like twitter and instagram too, no matter where in the world you were, and there was nowhere else to go. suddenly though (?) that era feels over, those sites are dying, along with google search, and I feel like the weird internet, the infinite internet, is at the beginning of a full comeback. I love that dizzy feeling that thereā€™s so much much out there that Iā€™ll never even get close to seeing it all. maybe thatā€™s why I like it here so much?
Jan 26, 2024

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i love u the indie web
Sep 3, 2024

Related Recs

Is it just me or social media is slowly but surely starting to feel wholesome again? I might just be living in a bubble, but I feel like young people have started to realize the harm of excess scrolling, prioritizing actual connections and taking time off from internet. With all the overflowing capitalism and advertising, people are starting to create their own communities free of that, take this site for example. Not quite the Wild West internet of the y2k but something else entirely, something more.. real. Authenticity is cool again.
Dec 29, 2024
in the age of endless access to information, the unknown can quickly become known - though i think we've reached a point where balance is desperately needed. our brains are sensitive and absorbing information constantly whether we like it or not. i recently deleted social media from my phone and now only log on at the computer (love how many pi.fyi recs i've seen on this) - anyways i finally joined the club and see no going back. i don't want to know everything about everyone all the time and on top of that be plagued with intrusive ads (no matter how relevant they may or may not be). being present is crucial, and watching other people's lives on our phones whenever we want can definitely take one out of the present. if i were a true conspiracy theorist, i'd say it almost seems strategically designed to interrupt our normal train of thoughts and give everybody add and make us less thoughtful or make us stray from our true path. i think there's an art to boredom and liminal zones. if you're in a doctor's office waiting room or in a coffee shop waiting for your drink, i think its cool to just be nothing for a moment, limbo is a luxury and giving your consciousness and attention to something every second strips you of that temporary feeling... if we're homies and not seeing each other in person we can text about our lives. instagram stories have begun to creep me out, i don't like how normalized casual stalking has become. i feel like it makes everyone overly analytical and constantly thinking about social dynamics all the time, injecting way too many forms of micro-anxieties for everyone throughout the day - there's value in time spent alone with our thoughts and i feel like the status quo of social media and internet without boundaries at the moment is infringing on some timeless human functions. that said we need to connect and find out about things and discover each other and using platforms like pi.fyi and instagram allow us to do so, we just need to be mindful about how we go about it. i think it's okay to not know everything all the time, mystery creates intrigue and that's stimulating enough for me...
Jun 8, 2024
tired of sponsored posts and search results, looking for freaks and weirdos and the things they like
Jan 23, 2024

Top Recs from @lexis

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d really recommend this because itā€™s more exhausting and permanently life-altering than almost any other thing you could imagine. But being a parent connects me to others in a way I had never experienced before having my own kid. I love every child because I love my child. I believe every person is trying their best, is trying to be good, because I see that in him. I feel connected to the grief and suffering of other parents because I see how to love your child is necessarily to be on the knifeā€™s edge of grief at all times. I have found parenting politically radicalizing because I cannot accept that my child deserves more than other children, that he gets to be safe and fed and surrounded by infinite possibility when most others are not. Having a kid has not necessarily made me happier, but it has given me a deeper understanding of the human condition, and I am grateful for that.
Mar 16, 2024
the best advice I give my students is this: life is not a video game where you win by collecting points, doing boring, meaningless, soul-crushing things for the majority of your career so that you can ā€œspendā€ them one day on something you actually care about. the same social constraints that discipline young people into deferring gratification too easily trick them into deferring their passions and deferring their integrity, too. every day is equally your life. every bit of power and choice you have is an opportunity, right now, to live out your values. make art now. travel now. take the job that matters now. plant a garden now. do the right thing now. later is too late: spend your points.
Feb 13, 2024