Ignorant to the distracting whereabouts of those within the immediate vicinity of my car, spending time in my driver's seat after completing a task (whether it be a day at work or even a short errand) has been revelational to my inner peace
Ironically, stepping out in public spaces often unsettles me. But place me in my car in the busiest parking lot full of judgemental people and I'll still find peace of mind, even though I'm entirely visible to the public. Why???
Maybe something about being in my car makes me feel normal. That could be it... what a nice feeling that is!!! This is ruined when I make eye contact with someone outside. They're just a friendly person, going to the park, or heading into their apartment, right? Right!!! Until they come back, and they see you still in your car. How humiliating. I like to think that this is a rare occurence. I try not to intentionally make eye contact too often though so I could be totally wrong
I like to sit in my car while it's off, eat a snack, enjoy a scroll, or call a friend. When I either get too hot or too cold I know it's time to move on with my day. This is why fall and spring are the best seasons. Temperatures are more accomodating for my decompress-in-car time
I'm writing this in the parking lot of one of my favorite local thrift stores. So far, I'm unhumiliated and feeling optimistic about my day!! I hope you are experiencing similar feelings today!!!