I have enough IRL pets and they are joyous, who wants to be annoyed by stupid shit, anyway?
Jan 26, 2024

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way better than having a stereotypically pretty pet....like living with a goblin but better probably
Feb 29, 2024
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On the one hand I’ve never hated a cat and I feel like I can get along with any of them or tame any stray/shy cat that I come across with time. I love how low-maintenance they are. I tend to prefer more gregarious dog-like cats, especially if they’re long-haired. I love a codependent clingy pet… it’s rarer for cats to be like that but it’s a lot more common in dogs, which is why I got one after losing the best cat I’ve ever had in my life. I love that having a dog is a LIFESTYLE and requires so much work because it forces me to structure my day around it but without the all-consuming nature of having a child? it’s kind of like having a little horse with the way you need to give them exercise, enrichment, and training. I enjoy playing zookeeper I guess. And it’s fun the way you can take them outside!! I used to have a cat who liked going out on a leash and harness but Bunny is not that type of girl. It’s a lot more likely for me to not like a dog than a cat and there are so many kinds of dogs I don’t really vibe with or connect to. But at the same time the fact that I can tolerate any dogs at all (especially my own monster Benny) makes me kind of a dog person? I don’t know I can’t answer this!!!
Nov 14, 2024
the truth of the matter is cats have always been better than dogs but moving to ny has made me dislike dogs as a whole. i still think theyre cute on an individual level and i like my friend's dogs, but not everyone needs a dog, especially since nobody wants to take responsibility for them. i feel like in other places (or at least in ct) there's a culture of shame around being an irresponsible dog owner. ive seen people get lambasted for having a poorly trained dog or for not picking up after them but it seems as though you cant do that here without being an evil bitch who hates animals. once i was sitting in the park and out of nowhere this huge dog knocked me over and started licking my face. i was totally skeeved out but the dog's owner was just like "sorry :P she's playful" like hello? what if i were crazy allergic or old as fuck? your irresponsibility could hurt someone! if you want a furry domestic terrorist, get a cat so it's your problem and not the world's.
Apr 9, 2024

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I'd NEVER pay for a algo-driven, ad-saturated social network...so even if it's purely symbolic in the long run, I just upgraded to demonstrate with my wallet that there is a market for this cool community.
Jan 26, 2024
I know I'm not cool. That's why I appreciate the PI community for letting me play at being cool. I feel like a hipster pollywog with a protective froggie parent letting me explore the pond safely. Sure, at some point I'm likely to get snatched up as a seagull's breakfast, but I'll enjoy the pond while I can. Thanks.
Feb 6, 2024
Probably picked it up from Reddit, I feel good when saying this, no idea why.
Jan 31, 2024