It is perhaps human nature to turn a stupid, sad looking freak of nature into something lovable, much like Rumpelstiltskin spins straw into gold. Is it human instinct to protect what by any other law of nature we should, at most, only pity?
Pugs, with their repugnant faces, defective physiology, and wheezing capabilities matched only by 75 year old smokers? Orange cats, who most philosophers would argue are far too stupid to be truly malevolent, yet commit evil-doing on par with U.S congressman. That one blob fish species, who we barely even know anything about besides how extremely fucking ugly they are. And of course, adult men, who continue speaking.
All a tribute to the instinct of humans to bond with, care for, nurture, and love, for its own sake. Despite of, or because of, all that may stand in our way.