a song for all the beautiful intelligent women who have ever been manic-pixie-dream-girlified against their will
Jan 26, 2024

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I'm going to be honest I could listen to most songs about 100 times and never notice the lyrics if I don't look them up. I think this is probably because of my background playing an instrument I tend to focus more on the melody and rhythm. I was listening to this and thought about a couple of bits of the lyrics that jumped out at me and I was like blown away lol it's very profound and relatable especially right now as I’m working through some things. I'm sure it resonates with so many women who’ve experienced being idealized, placed on a pedestal so high in the air that they’re lonely and not engaged with or respected on a human level, and the inevitable devaluation that follows. not to sound emo or melodramatic…
Dec 21, 2024
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I've never been a Swifty but Mollie Adler's talk where she analyzes Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet’s Department from the perspective of depth psychology. In the intro she says: “Central to our exploration is something called the Puella aeterna archetype, Latin for the eternal girl. This archetype is marked by innocence, spontaneity and a reluctance to embrace the complexes of adulthood." Where the fairytale romance is real, your feelings matter and empires can be built out of the drama of a girl's heart. mush mush lush 😆 Listen to it https://open.spotify.com/episode/2q92Fvf1sPOOcaFMY1lyu3?si=TLRoBtWiSAegNBcHFHlntQ&nd=1&dlsi=b2bafbe5bd8a4c21
Aug 21, 2024
i read this in the youtube comment section for a kate bush song earlier: "it gives me an insane boost of serotonin and makes me feel divinely feminine"; haven't stopped thinking about it since
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Top Recs from @thinwildmercury

i just think that dabbling in many things but not being really good at any of them is soooo chic…me when i call myself a writer but haven’t finished a poem in four months…
Jan 26, 2024
this time last year i would listen to this song every day on the subway to my mind-numbingly boring barista job. i worked eight hour shifts alone, serving the occasional customer but mostly just sitting around eating expired baked goods and staring down at my ten-year-old docs spattered with matcha and espresso, the soles crusted with sidewalk salt. i listened to Phair singing about closing her eyes and her bank account and needing someone to do her thinking for her, and i fantasized about walking away from the shapeless, sleepy postgraduate life i’d sunk into. taking off my apron, abandoning the city and everyone who knew me there, getting on a train or a plane or just walking until i was swallowed by the sunset…it all sounds so trite now, but at the time i carried that idea around like a lucky charm. something to hold onto, to help me feel real. i thought it was the most romantic thing a girl could do. go west, young woman.
Jan 26, 2024
spilling a spicy, fizzy, freshly cracked vanilla coke all over your grandmother’s vintage fur coat. smoky-sweet, loud, intoxicating. i can still smell this on the collar of the denim jacket i last wore five months ago 💞
Jan 27, 2024