I've never been a Swifty but Mollie Adler's talk where she analyzes Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet’s Department from the perspective of depth psychology. In the intro she says: “Central to our exploration is something called the Puella aeterna archetype, Latin for the eternal girl. This archetype is marked by innocence, spontaneity and a reluctance to embrace the complexes of adulthood." Where the fairytale romance is real, your feelings matter and empires can be built out of the drama of a girl's heart. mush mush lush 😆 Listen to it https://open.spotify.com/episode/2q92Fvf1sPOOcaFMY1lyu3?si=TLRoBtWiSAegNBcHFHlntQ&nd=1&dlsi=b2bafbe5bd8a4c21
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Aug 21, 2024

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