I can't remember the last time I didn't have something checked out from the public library. I got books on books on books in rotation, all with their slips popping out. Damn if they don't have like every film in the Criterion Collection. The people watching off the charts too... Need i say more? Get ya sum!
Jan 26, 2024

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cold take that I'll be preaching till the day I die but libraries are glorious. buying books is cool but if I'm not trying to own something forever it's so OP to be able to just get it for free when I feel like it. so many movies that aren't on streaming services too, and yet people act like I've blown their mind when I mention the library. why are more people not on this? I literally have three library cards for different cities.
Feb 2, 2024
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call me old fashioned, but i am deep in my library era. i’ve been borrowing e-books and audiobooks for years, but with the recent purchase of a secondhand DVD player, i’m now catching up on all the movies i missed or have long wanted to see by borrowing them from the library. taking it a step further, i’m building my post-Spotify music library by borrowing and burning, adding new tracks to my iPod. bonus: talking with my librarian about some of the movies he likes that i’m checking out (we both loved “Days of Heaven”).
Jan 15, 2025
man, libraries ROCK !!!! what do you mean i can just chill here in this chair... in this warm building with high ceilings... all of these shelves full of delights like graphic novels and how to speak another language... and then i can take my favourite books home... FOR FREE ?!?! i am so happy i left the house to go to the library today
Jan 23, 2024

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4 seconds in thru the nose 7 seconds holding breath 8 seconds exhaling thru mouth Repeat x4 Voila
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