yes, you should help your elderly coworker move over the weekend. friend gives you a prompt for a funny photo to make in photoshop? do it. getting invited to work as a mascot at a convention, by the worst person you know? fuck it we ball. connect with others and open your heart to doing things spontaneously.
Jan 27, 2024

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🚙 Drive to a nearby(ish) town you've never been to and visit a local business. 🎨 Use stuff you already have at home to make intentionally bad art (ex. a painting, collage, or even a poem). 🏛️ I bet there's something in your town/city that you've been meaning to do (like a museum or tourist attraction you've never been to or maybe a new coffee shop). Go visit it with a friend you've been wanting to spend more time with. Variety is so important to the experience of life. Would love to know if you pick one of these and do it! :)
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you may just have a good time cant be a hermit forever
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one option is to take inspo from others. think of fictional characters or real people who you think of as fun or cool or different from you in an interesting way? what stands out to you about them? and try to model that. another option is to slightly change hobbies/habits you already have. walk a different path to work, paint in a different color, sit in a new coffee shop. perspective can offer you something “different”. one last thought is to make a new friend. talking to new people can help you see the world a different way.
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