today i learned my mom used to work at this alcohol distribution place back in her home country when she was a young adult, running numbers and things like that, all pretty much on her own too, for like six years. it’s crazy that there’s still so much about my mom, my family, that i don’t know; even crazier that i’ve allowed my insecurities about my people skills and a whacked out three-year diet of twitter, youtube videos, oversleeping and deliberate isolation to make me think that i don’t like talking with people--that i’m not good at talking to people--even when it’s my own family. but i don’t think my mom nor any of my other relatives care about whether i’m “good” at this or not; they like feeling seen; they like sharing things that they care about; they like that someone cares about what they care about. and that’s all that should matter.
Jan 27, 2024

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Jan 31, 2024
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