This is my #1 recommendation when helping plan Italy trips for friends. True, there are some beautiful sights to behold if you climb the ghastly hills with the hordes of tourists-mostly honeymooners which bum out married and single people alike. But I promise there are so many other Insta-worthy spots where you won’t have to risk major motion sickness getting there only to spend €40 for the worst “lemon” risotto (also don’t eat risotto south of Florence). Go to the volcanic islands of Ischia and Procida (picture below of Procida- where the houses are actually colorful!) Go to the Ionian and Adriatic beaches in Puglia! Go to the caves of Matera! There are national parks that look like Colorado but you can eat the best and cheapest pizza while you’re there! The most wonderful people and places can be found in this country but NOT in Positano with the couple from Nassau County guzzling cappuccinos.
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Jan 27, 2024

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I can’t express enough how beautiful this country was and how much I highly recommend doing the thing you’ve always wanted to. I stayed for just over a month, because if staying in an apartment there for a month was less than a big city in the United States, why not? I went everywhere from La Spezia, Cinque Terre (Corniglia pictured), Florence, Rome, Pisa, Lucca, Milan, etc. Take the trip, life is too short!!
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Top Recs from @missytee

It feels really nice to be able to contribute the things you think and feelings you feel and better yet, be part of a conversation online without judgement or nasty replies.
Feb 3, 2024
I prefer the heft and crispy exterior of cake doughnuts to raised. It makes me sad that doughnut shops will only have 1-2 cake options and they aren’t as exciting as the others. And a Dunkin’ chocolate glazed has never failed me. The slight bitterness of the cocoa is nice with all the sugary goodness.
Feb 5, 2024
Get some green cardamom pods and rose petals (Indian markets often stock comically large packages of these for cheap). Break the pods open a bit and simmer in milk of your choice (or water if you just want a tea) for like half an hour maybe? That seems right. Or more. Add some cocoa powder if you like. Strain and enjoy.
Feb 4, 2024