This was my first trip out of the country once I got my green card. My wife and I wandered the streets safely, ate more carbs than we should have while losing weight (???), looked at art and buildings that were around when Rome was still running gladiator battles, and met strangers for drinks at a bar and stayed there for 6 hours talking about life. Truly my fave trip. We did Florence and Rome andā€¦errrrā€¦I forget the name but itā€™s the place with all the islands. 10/10 trip. Reach out if you need any recs.
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Apr 3, 2024

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I went on a family vacation for my nanas 80th this summer in Italy. Florence was my favorite city we saw. Traveling with extended family proved to be overwhelming so I broke off from the group and found this library / movie theatre, and decompressed by watching some of moulin rouge. I think about it often. ps i donā€™t wanna be thought of as a dweeb for replying to my own ask
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This is my #1 recommendation when helping plan Italy trips for friends. True, there are some beautiful sights to behold if you climb the ghastly hills with the hordes of tourists-mostly honeymooners which bum out married and single people alike. But I promise there are so many other Insta-worthy spots where you wonā€™t have to risk major motion sickness getting there only to spend ā‚¬40 for the worst ā€œlemonā€ risotto (also donā€™t eat risotto south of Florence). Go to the volcanic islands of Ischia and Procida (picture below of Procida- where the houses are actually colorful!) Go to the Ionian and Adriatic beaches in Puglia! Go to the caves of Matera! There are national parks that look like Colorado but you can eat the best and cheapest pizza while youā€™re there! The most wonderful people and places can be found in this country but NOT in Positano with the couple from Nassau County guzzling cappuccinos.
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Top Recs from @marianoleonczik

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florinegrassenhopper riotgrrrl brendanooooo slowdazzle buck_mcgraw and indianjones ā€” we did it. Not only did we successfully meet for drinks, but we also schemed the hostile takeover of this app from tyler tonight. In all seriousness ā€” weird that an app I downloaded in April would make genuinely want to drive back into Brooklyn during end of day traffic for a happy hour. Great app filled with great people.
Jul 20, 2024
I feel like thereā€™s a special connectivity on this app that I havenā€™t felt in a long time, maybe since early 2010ā€™s tumblr. The fact that you canā€™t promote yourself like IG is wonderful. The fact that there isnā€™t mass video content like Tik Tok is great. Itā€™s not this monetized / paid sponsorship app. People are here because they want to be a part of something with nothing to gain besides friendship. Seeing the URL -> IRL meetups warms my heart so much (waiting for an NYC or Brooklyn meetup). Thanks for your participation on this niche little app. I smile reading all the recs and all the comments and all the asks. Hope weā€™ll all be here for a long time.
Jun 15, 2024
I think a life rule for me is to surround myself with people who know more / are smarter / are cooler than me and just absorb their aura by listening / observing them. Itā€™s made me the incredibly smart / cool person you all know and love. I just never thought Iā€™d feel the same way about URL friends. Iā€™m constantly listening to the songs I see posted here, reading the articles, subbing to newsletters, and googling topics that get tossed onto the feed. Itā€™s nice to know you can become a more rounded person by just absorbing what your mutuals post on here. Iā€™m going to sit on my couch, have a cocktail and digest my lovely feed. Happy Sunday!
Sep 15, 2024