- wake up to an alarm at 8:30am - hit an intense 10am yoga class - get food and coffee and read at a vegan bakery in my neighborhood for a bit
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Jan 27, 2024

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during the week, my alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, somewhere between 6:00-6:30 is when I actually get out of bed depending on how up and at em I’m feeling. Once i’m up, I hop in the shower, get dressed n stuff, I make sure my cat has food and then I go make myself breakfast. I like to open the blinds, let the sun in, play some ambient music on my living room speakers, and try as much as possible not to look at my phone. I need my chill slow morning time to be at peace. if I woke up right at my alarm, I’ll brew fresh coffee (french press) and make a nice egg scramble with an english muffin. If I’m in a hurry I’ll do moka pot or just get the extra coffee from the last time I brewed a batch from the fridge and have greek yogurt with granola. while I eat, I’ll sit at my kitchen counter and have some dedicated screen time on my laptop to check socials so I’m not tempted to be scrolling on IG the rest of the day. trying to leave bad screen at home. after I have breakfast, if I have time i’ll take care of anything around my apartment that needs doing (dishes, laundry, cleaning the cat litter, etc) and then brush my teeth, freshen up, then head out and start the morning commute (usually around 8-8:30 depending on if I need to be in office at 8:30 or 9). I also fill up my YETI mug with homebrew coffee and take it to work with me so I’m not buying coffee out all the time. the morning commute is when I put on some more energetic music to hype me up, or if I’m in a rush I’ll play some calmer music to not stress about traffic to. whatever the vibe I need. then I get to the office and wage slave for 8-9 hours, but at least I got a good night’s sleep and a good morning’s breakfast to get me through 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Jan 13, 2025
But as of now: - wake up at 5, get dressed and cleaned up, brew some black coffee and head to the nearby mosque for the morning prayer. - hang out there for about an hour and a half reading the Quran, practicing mindfulness, meditating and just taking in the morning in quietude. - head out, stop by my gallery or a coffee shop to do some work for a few hours. - leave and hit the calisthenics park by the beach for an outdoor workout - by now I am sincerely exhausted and starving so I head home, take a shower then a much needed 30-40 minute nap. by now it’s probably 10:30. - make breakfast (my favorite part.) which consists of firstly a bowl of fruit to break my fast. 3 dates, 1 banana, some blueberries, and a passionfruit. I have that first, then I start on breakfast which is usually 3 eggs, some ground beef, sauerkraut, a cucumber, avocado, and arugula, maybe some homemade bread! have lots of water with it , then brew another cup of coffee, which is when my day officially begins! Please note this is me on a good day lol but thankfully have been pretty consistent as of late!
Feb 25, 2025
1. Prework exercise very close to you, a gym/workout that might be bad but that you can just roll out of bed for 2. Latte on the way home with both oat milk (for creamy) and almond milk (for sweetness) 3. First half of latte outside somewhere while attempting NYT connections game 4. First zoom meeting in sweaty workout clothes with rest of coffee 5. Change out of workout clothes (still sweaty and unshowered) into baggiest sweats ever 6. Eat 2x cinnamon swirly toasts with butter, pick out raisins 7. Commence work day (still unshowered, sorry LOL)
Nov 11, 2024

Top Recs from @buck_mcgraw

Its a web app that people submit 1 song per week and then everyone gets to vote on the all the different songs but their own. After all the rounds have been completed, the person with the most votes wins! Its a fun way to share music with people and get competitive. Been using this app with other online communities and friends for a few months and have really been enjoying it. NOTE: I created a PI.FYI League where the first submission is this friday. I limited it to 25 people for now not sure if I should open that up to more but it would be pretty overwhelming to have more than 25 songs to listen and vote on. The join link is attached to this rec!
Jun 10, 2024
riotgrrrl and I are planning on going to Jonathan Richman at the bell house 3/10 if anyone else is interested, drinks beforehand at Halyards. Hope people can make it out!
Feb 29, 2024