But as of now: - wake up at 5, get dressed and cleaned up, brew some black coffee and head to the nearby mosque for the morning prayer. - hang out there for about an hour and a half reading the Quran, practicing mindfulness, meditating and just taking in the morning in quietude. - head out, stop by my gallery or a coffee shop to do some work for a few hours. - leave and hit the calisthenics park by the beach for an outdoor workout - by now I am sincerely exhausted and starving so I head home, take a shower then a much needed 30-40 minute nap. by now it’s probably 10:30. - make breakfast (my favorite part.) which consists of firstly a bowl of fruit to break my fast. 3 dates, 1 banana, some blueberries, and a passionfruit. I have that first, then I start on breakfast which is usually 3 eggs, some ground beef, sauerkraut, a cucumber, avocado, and arugula, maybe some homemade bread! have lots of water with it , then brew another cup of coffee, which is when my day officially begins! Please note this is me on a good day lol but thankfully have been pretty consistent as of late!
Feb 25, 2025

Comments (3)

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damn yr incredible I hope i can do something like this at some point hehe :0 i do think the ice bath and some wim hof breathing would be an excellent addition to ur routine 😈
Feb 26, 2025
Is this real
Feb 25, 2025
california I’m a product of hyper productive bros on the net, afraid so 🤧🥛🥩🧊 just need to implement the ice bath routine and we up
Feb 25, 2025

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during the week, my alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, somewhere between 6:00-6:30 is when I actually get out of bed depending on how up and at em I’m feeling. Once i’m up, I hop in the shower, get dressed n stuff, I make sure my cat has food and then I go make myself breakfast. I like to open the blinds, let the sun in, play some ambient music on my living room speakers, and try as much as possible not to look at my phone. I need my chill slow morning time to be at peace. if I woke up right at my alarm, I’ll brew fresh coffee (french press) and make a nice egg scramble with an english muffin. If I’m in a hurry I’ll do moka pot or just get the extra coffee from the last time I brewed a batch from the fridge and have greek yogurt with granola. while I eat, I’ll sit at my kitchen counter and have some dedicated screen time on my laptop to check socials so I’m not tempted to be scrolling on IG the rest of the day. trying to leave bad screen at home. after I have breakfast, if I have time i’ll take care of anything around my apartment that needs doing (dishes, laundry, cleaning the cat litter, etc) and then brush my teeth, freshen up, then head out and start the morning commute (usually around 8-8:30 depending on if I need to be in office at 8:30 or 9). I also fill up my YETI mug with homebrew coffee and take it to work with me so I’m not buying coffee out all the time. the morning commute is when I put on some more energetic music to hype me up, or if I’m in a rush I’ll play some calmer music to not stress about traffic to. whatever the vibe I need. then I get to the office and wage slave for 8-9 hours, but at least I got a good night’s sleep and a good morning’s breakfast to get me through 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Jan 13, 2025
Turn off alarm, put on top 10, pee, go to kitchen, prep moka pot, wash dishes while coffee brews, finish dishes, grab mug, add oat milk to coffee, head to living room, open blinds/windows, drink coffee, sit in the sun, put mug in the sink, go to bathroom, brush teeth, morning skin care, deodorant, do hair, head to bedroom, put on lotion, get dressed, make bed, do makeup, wash hands, put on hand cream, check bus schedule, pack bag, head out. Things are subject to change obvi, some mornings I’m hungry so I make and eat breakfast, some days I don’t wear makeup, some days I didn’t pick out my outfit the night before and have to take the time in the morning to figure out what I’ll wear. But for the most part, this is what my mornings look like.
Oct 7, 2024

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Been off this app lately cuz ive been busy opening an art gallery in my hometown (San Diego) called Deixis Gallery! Been such a wonderful experience so far. It’s so beautiful to see how community comes together to help with every step along the way. Friends came by and helped paint, do construction, a friend of mine built us some benches from scratch, and a bunch of amazing artists participated in the inaugural exhibition. So hyped, truly recommend. And shout out to allstnyc for the encouragement back when I first posted an ask about opening a gallery! 🤞🏿🤞🏿🤞🏿also if you find yourself in San Diego, make sure to stop by! @deixisgallery
Jan 6, 2025
I got an IG follow and message last night from a girl I knew in MIDDLE school (12+ yrs ago). I haven’t talked to or seen her since then, but she’d often pop up in my mind, the last time being just a few days ago. All I remember is that I used to enjoy talking to her. the first thing she said in her message was that for some reason, she’d think about me often, and also, for no particular reason… we barely knew each other back then So, we decided we’re gonna hang out soon - don’t know why, but it just feels right. 🔮
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