Can't do digital in the department of my schedule. Analog all year long! Plus I can doodle and sketch along the way and something about the pen to paper just solidifies plans into memory. I like the "Legend Planner" it's kinda corny but idgaf.
Jan 27, 2024

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in the past i have been bad about keeping a schedule, so days off/holidays sneak up on me and it is hard to plan ahead. last year i committed to using a paper planner and it has been really nice to see the week/month ahead and also to be able to look back. sort of functions as a low-pressure scrapbook. i use one from marjolein delhaas. i have the orange but there are other colors.
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the shortage/me feeling like normal spongebob on adhd meds had me set up a whole system otherwise i would be a hot mess handwritten paper planner - pref one with a weekly timeline because i love seeing it laid out in full. this is 50% me just wanting to decorate and use fun stationary and 50% knowing if i dont write it down/see it laid out- i will forget </3 digital calendar/reminders - for the big stuff!! Anything reoccurring that may slip my mind, color coded based on whats going on ie, work shifts, reoccurring plans w friends, personal time for hobbies, i also have a bunch of reminders that try to get me to sleep/keep me on track and its been the best, i luv that includes travel time too and will remind me 15-30 mins in advance of when i need to leave bc i love to get wrapped up/ lose track of time and run out of the door
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I can't remember the last time I didn't have something checked out from the public library. I got books on books on books in rotation, all with their slips popping out. Damn if they don't have like every film in the Criterion Collection. The people watching off the charts too... Need i say more? Get ya sum!
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