if someone complains to you about movies being too long stop everything and make them watch heat with you
Jan 27, 2024

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Heat is one of the best movies you can see in a theater I presume. Scenic views of LA, insane gun battles and scenes between De Niro and Pacino. The sound is the key part of it, where the movie theater sound system makes the deafening final showdown on the tarmac of an airport make you feel like you are there yourself. I‘ve seen it twice at Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline. I believe it shows every year there in the summer as part of a summer classics series.
Oct 31, 2024
Pacino as a coke addicted cop and DeNiro as the criminal. Ridiculous, perfect, and worth every viewing. Apparently Heat 2 is going to be a thing…
Dec 31, 2023

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i get why people only think of movies as a social event, but seeing a movie in a theater alone is the most freeing and therapeutic thing that i do in my day to day life. gone are the moments of trying to pick something that you think a group of people would like. gone is the anxiety of always thinking about what your friend is thinking of the movie as it’s going on. it’s just you and the movie. i love it
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i’m tired to hiding my love for the perfect fast food sandwich. it’s the filet o fish. they make it fresh every time. it’s 4 subpar ingredients on their own, but assemble them together and you have a delicious sandwich.
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