omg now that im free from the hell this semester was i can also recommend all the cool things i learned and habits i picked up lol... draw in a sketchbook every day! trust if you do it EVERY day literally you will go through MULTIPLE sketchbooks... it's so fun to have multiple blank sketchbooks lined up waiting to be filled bc ur like "collecting" full sketchbooks 😠i already knee observational drawing was important and "all that" before this first semester in a rigorous art program but this fall made me enjoy it a lot more. don't worry your head about "realism versus what u normally draw" instead think of it like grab ur pencil and draw WHATEVER you see on the spot like a MADMAN!! (or use whatever supplies u can use whiteboard markers in ur sketchbook for all i care its YOUR sketchbook go crazy!!) Just put down shapes! Doesn't matter if it "sucks" NO ONE will see this but you! (this winter break I will be doing multiple winter sketchbooks that I'm so excited to do because this time my professors won't be seeing them 😂) Its ur place to go crazy go stupid go do it now 🔥