omg now that im free from the hell this semester was i can also recommend all the cool things i learned and habits i picked up lol... draw in a sketchbook every day! trust if you do it EVERY day literally you will go through MULTIPLE sketchbooks... it's so fun to have multiple blank sketchbooks lined up waiting to be filled bc ur like "collecting" full sketchbooks 😭 i already knee observational drawing was important and "all that" before this first semester in a rigorous art program but this fall made me enjoy it a lot more. don't worry your head about "realism versus what u normally draw" instead think of it like grab ur pencil and draw WHATEVER you see on the spot like a MADMAN!! (or use whatever supplies u can use whiteboard markers in ur sketchbook for all i care its YOUR sketchbook go crazy!!) Just put down shapes! Doesn't matter if it "sucks" NO ONE will see this but you! (this winter break I will be doing multiple winter sketchbooks that I'm so excited to do because this time my professors won't be seeing them πŸ˜‚) Its ur place to go crazy go stupid go do it now πŸ”₯
Dec 13, 2024

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Just draw! having a sketchbook means that making mistakes with your art is inevitable, so please dont be ashamed of your sketchbook mistakes
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Like literally buy cheap sketchbooks and your fave medium and just start. It might seem ugly and useless in the beginning but think of it as a child going from scribbling to drawing lines and colouring between them. Like who cares if it’s bad. It’s colorful and fun and stimulating without being brain rot levels of overstimulating. Bonus points if you make random shit without using gadgets for inspo or tutorials
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its so hard to even lock in in the first place but its great when u actually get in the zone bc you get so much done... just make sure to keep water and food near you and stretch 😭 ok this is also a way to say hi im still alive (went radio silent for who knows how long) (because this semester is KILLING ME) (THATS WHY I WISH I COULD JUST LOCK IN RN HELPP)
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the two major irritators of a migraine in my experience are light and noise. my recommendation is that after taking advil (or tylenol etc), put your phone away, go to a room where you think it will be the most quiet, preferably where you can lie down, like your bedroom (i know it can be hard; i myself live in a loud and dysfunctional household so i also have to put in earplugs but earplugs are also another thing that may help!) turn off all the lights, close the window shades (you may want to wear an eye mask) and just lie down there like that for a long time. It's ok if you don't end up calling asleep; the main goal is to keep you away from stimulators like light and noise for long enough that the migraine hopefully feels a little better. This may not make it go away completely but it does at least help. Afterwards though, try not to make an immediate jump back to looking at screens, walking around, talking, lostening to things, etc, because it might be so jarring that your migraine immediately relapses. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon!! Sending best wishes; I know your pain and ur not alone 😭
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recommendation image
My great grandfather (the father of my mom's late stepfather) is Clancy Hayes. He was a relatively famous banjo player and jazz musician in the mid 90s; idk if anyone's heard of him here though! His music even was broadcasted on the radio and you can find some videos of him on YouTube. ... Also, my great great grandfather on my mom's side I think supposedly invented the machine that made Corn Flakes, (but sold the invention as well as rights to invention to make money for his family; I don't think he has any interest in the rights or being famous, which is fair --I mean it's a corn flake machine for gods sake, also in this world money can feed you far better than fame can!!!!) Unfortunately no one other than my family will know the person who invented the corn flakes machine was my great great grandfather 🀣
Apr 11, 2024