walking in the woods, looking at the forest floor. bring a pal and marvel at the joy when you spot a patch. i like morels and chanterelles. even if you don't find any, you still got a nice moment in nature. morels look like little brains.
Dude walked e-v-e-r-y street in NYC over the course of years. Did little increments each day. Wrote about all sorts of random things relating to the city as he went along.
There's a great segment about his obsession with barbershops/salons incorporating the letter "z" into the name of their shop eg Royal Cutz VIP
I can't remember the last time I didn't have something checked out from the public library. I got books on books on books in rotation, all with their slips popping out. Damn if they don't have like every film in the Criterion Collection. The people watching off the charts too... Need i say more? Get ya sum!