my best friend and my boyfriend recently got me into stardew. like really into it. in the last four weeks, i have played 100+ hours. stardew valley is a part time job.
and for those wondering, harvey and i are gay married and it’s going great
this game is immaculate vibes bc there’s so much love in it. the music and sound effects might be my favorite part. harvesting blueberries!!! mining, socializing, fishing…yes.
funny documentary about a working class midwestern guy just trying to get his film made. feels like a mockumentary but it’s real. bittersweet with a looming sadness, but if anything it’s hopeful. definitely inspired napoleon dynamite and hot rod
one of my new favorites methinks…
this one is for the tarantino haters. he annoys me but i can’t stop thinking about this movie. jackie brown is such a smart complex character … this is kind of the girl boss movie of all time 🌟