my best friend and my boyfriend recently got me into stardew. like really into it. in the last four weeks, i have played 100+ hours. stardew valley is a part time job.
and for those wondering, harvey and i are gay married and it’s going great
Started playing for the 1st time two days ago and I’m already almost to Fall 😅 Too much time on my hands rn but i ❤️ stardew yay. Oh also I showed it to my boyf and he loves it we are like gamers yay
As a currently unemployed person my options for entertainment in my application off-hours are limited (by cost), so I’ve been in my Steam library and playing games I already own - I’m back into Stardew Valley HARD. I have 200+ hours and I won’t admit how many are from this month
i could talk about succession for hours. idc that it ended over a year ago. i’ve seen that show 5+ times and i could go on and on forever
i could go on for hours abt so many things, i can’t lie to you. what’s yours?