science and medicine has progressed enough to the point where women can opt to stop having periods. i’ve had two hormonal IUDs over the course of 8 years now, and therefore haven’t had a period in 8 years. no cramps. no heating pads. no cravings. no tampons. nothing.
every womens body is different and i can’t promise everyone will have the same experience ive had with my IUDs. but if your periods suck like mine did, it can’t hurt to ask a doctor ab going on some sort of HRT/birth control. why are we still letting our uteruses dictate and manage our lives for one week out of every month? (for some, like myself at one point, well over just one week)
not having a period is great! it’s freeing!!!!! i feel as if i can put my personhood and identity first, and not sacrifice any sort of happiness or autonomy to my uterus!