this app has helped me so many times in instagram addiction.
sometimes its annoying, but overall it is fantastic. so many stupid dms not sent. a secent amount of reels-spirals avoided.
the free version basically intervenes everytime you open instagram, and asks you to take a breath. you take a breath in, out. its not counted in numbers, but a slow simple visual. then it asks if you want to continue to open instagram, or close it. it makes everytime i open the app INTENTIONAL.
I really love that its not a countdown. I have experienced the breath as taking 14 seconds, or sometimes just a second and a half. i have no actual idea how long the breath thing is, even though its always the same, because I always experience the length different depending on my phone addiction vibe.
****FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN U DOWNLOAD THE APP!! do not just download it then forget it!! I downloaded it then let it sit in my phone doing nothing for months when i first got it. i almost forgot about it but once it was implemented, i loved it. You can apply the app to any app you want, not just instagram.
posting bc i am going to temporarily take off one sec to see if i can do without it. going to miss whenever someone asked me to do something on instagram, then we took a breath together. slowed down moments mid-conversation. maybe ill implement myself..