TBH I find her affect extremely grating, but "Good Inside" is a transformative book, and it's helping me parent myself as much as it's preparing me to be a parent.
Jan 29, 2024

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Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d really recommend this because itā€™s more exhausting and permanently life-altering than almost any other thing you could imagine. But being a parent connects me to others in a way I had never experienced before having my own kid. I love every child because I love my child. I believe every person is trying their best, is trying to be good, because I see that in him. I feel connected to the grief and suffering of other parents because I see how to love your child is necessarily to be on the knifeā€™s edge of grief at all times. I have found parenting politically radicalizing because I cannot accept that my child deserves more than other children, that he gets to be safe and fed and surrounded by infinite possibility when most others are not. Having a kid has not necessarily made me happier, but it has given me a deeper understanding of the human condition, and I am grateful for that.
Mar 16, 2024
We had friends over the other day and my friend said sheā€™s paying attention to how I mother because she thinks Iā€™m doing a great job and wants to do the same with her future kids. Everyone agreed šŸ„². Weā€™re the only one of our friends with kids (3 y/o and almost 3 month old) and to be recognized in a role where the labor often goes unnoticed felt so good. I genuinely delight in my children and love being a mother, but it is 24/7 work. I never dreamt of being a parent but with my own healing and growth I found myself wanting to be. I spent a lot of years working on my own self regulation and studying child development (Iā€™m a child therapist) and that has really been paying off in a way I wasnā€™t expecting at the time. When someone gives birth, their brain matter changes to aid in caring for their baby. Iā€™ve been in the thick of that for 3 years now and while I can and do think of other things, my entire being is very much entrenched in ā€œmother,ā€ and it can be hard to navigate identity outside of it. so to be seen and honored for that felt really special.
May 29, 2024
Iā€™m a childrenā€™s therapist and a mother so it quite literally is on my brain 24/7. Grateful for the duel role because my work makes me a better mother, and being a mother makes me a better therapist. I could say so much on the subject but I probably wouldnā€™t stfu so I just wonā€™t even start šŸ«¶ but if anyone wants to chat Iā€™m always down!
Jul 4, 2024

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