• delicious japanese peach scent (fades quickly for those who are scent sensitive)! • lightweight & non greasy! • especially great for thin dry hair! • a little goes a long way! • moisturizing! • detangling! • heat protection! • doubles as a body moisturizer! • inexpensive compared to other hair creams with similar performance ($15)!
recommendation image
Jan 29, 2024

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expensive but a little goes a long way and their scents are 10/10
Mar 26, 2024
Sorry this is so long 😅 I have straight, fine hair and I currently use the Herbal Essences rose hip shampoo. It's really great at adding shine and making my hair smooth and soft (also smells yummy 😋). I've also used the Maui Moisture lightweight hydration shampoo (the pink bottle) and liked it. Another thing that has been a game-changer for my hair is double shampooing! Because my hair is so straight and fine, it gets oily very quickly. I discovered double shampooing recently (which is just shampooing twice) and it gives my hair a little volume and it can last longer without looking greasy. I do every other day! For conditioners/leave-ins I highly recommend anything with jojoba oil! My hair LOVES it and since I'm assuming we have similar hair types yours might love it too. This is an add-on but the Tsubaki Fino hair mask is affordable and makes my hair sooooo shiny!
Mar 5, 2025
used this while i stayed w one off my besties Jess. not only does it SMELL good but it doesn’t leave a white car in my hair and gives it some voooolume! i have fairly thick Asian hair n usually dry shampoo leaves the worst white cast and makes it feel gross. still don’t like how dry shampoo feels but this bc it’s the best i’ve used so far. also like the Aussie one but i think they discontinued it 😪 oh warning it DID leave a white cast when i was at the very end of the bottle
Jan 9, 2025

Top Recs from @suki

do it for the bit! worst case scenario? they don‘t like you (thats ok!). maybe you didnt gain anything but you certainly havent lost anything either... actually id still argue that you *have* gained something by allowing yourself the self compassion to be imperfect (heh heh). best case scenario? you‘re with good company and as time goes on with said good company, you realize what you perceive to be flaws are really not flaws at all, but a part of the wonderful weave of traits and quirks that makes up you (and everyone else too!) just maybe with a little less confidence. rest assured, the confidence can be worked on. but attracting the life you want with people who inspire you and fill your heart with the warmth of 1000 suns starts with you being your most beautiful & authentic self! warts and all! weirdos n freaks rise up!
Jan 29, 2024
- damp decaying earth - cherry soap! - moms cooking - the top of my cats head, especially in warmer months - bergamot mixed w anything woody - all of the smells associated with camping
Jan 30, 2024