Lions, fire. Pistons, fire. Cadillacs, dope I want one. Little Caesar, gas idgaf. 42 dugg, icewear vezzo, baby face ray, all hard. Anyone who was in trash pack, legends in the making I feel it in my bones. MC5, badass and I want to be them. Danny brown, goat. I could go on but i think you get the point.

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Detroit rapper associated with Danny Brown. His delivery is so unique and his lyrics are so funny. I picture him in the studio doffing his hat. His new album came out today and it's so good—I promise you have not heard anyone like Bruiser Wolf and even if you don't enjoy the music you can appreciate how special he is.
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one of the best rappers of all time. memphis memphis memphis!!!!! shouts out three 6 mafia shouts out ja morant shouts out juicy j shouts out kingpin skinny pimp

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