My best friend and I live in different cities and live very busy lifestyles, so we unfortunately don't see eachother very often. A few months ago, we realized that we both drive home from work at the same time, so we started calling eachother while we drive. This has been awesome because that 20 min window right after we leave our offices has transformed from a boring drive to a daily gossip/therapy sesh and we don't have to spend money like we would have to if we just hung out.
Jan 30, 2024

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one of my best friends just moved back to mtl and she lives a 5 minutes walk away, and nothing makes me happier than us being able to see each other most days! even just for 30 minutes to grab coffee!! feels like we live in the same small village :)
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one of my friends is currently living across the country from me because of college. he's been back in town since late december, and ive seen him a lot since then. hes always been the sort of friend i can talk to for hours on end about nothing in particular. tonight, we played mgs 4 with a group of four or five others, then later hopped on a friend group discord we were both playing different games, and weren't paying too close attention to our own or each others. we talked about so much i can barely remember now, even just a couple minutes after disconnecting. some of my favorite nights recently have just been playing a game and being on call with a friend (both him and others). nothing bombastic, nothing to riotously funny; just simple conversation to fill the air and get a few laughs.
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makes me feel a little safer and a little cared for. i think we should be doing this with our loved ones all the time!! i love getting to watch my bestie zip around manhattan like she's one of my Sims. or when she's on her way to visit home i can see her approaching. and when she sends me pictures of cool stuff i know exactly where it's happening. i love knowing she can do the same for me when i go between my 8 typical locations. makes "life is a simulation" feel true in a cute way
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if you are on this website we are now friends
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i think im onto something here... lmk
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