Odds are you’re going to end up hiring the person you feel easiest to talk to and is relatively competent. if you put on a persona you’re selling bs to the person interviewing and not doing yourself any favors when you have to deal with this person more often than your family. Unfortunately it’s usually not the best person for the job because it’s hard to gauge peoples long term behavior and potential. but you’ll get a lot more done working with a like minded individual with potential than a stubborn chosen one
yeeahhh observe their dynamic (how they approach one another, who’s well-liked, who acts entitled lol, etc), socialize enough (know the basics: names and jobs), and keep your questions work-related.
you can do it! 💪🏻
These are my favorite food (only slight hyperbole).
I recommend, in no order:
-Kettle brand
-Kettle brand air fried
-Lay's Kettle Cooked
These chips are so strong that they will burn your tongue. They are chemical perfection that make the systems in my body dance. They are so rock and roll. No matter what size the bag, I will probably finish the bag.
I always eat the folded ones first, and then move to the unfolded ones.
If you’re within an hour walk from home, you should just walk home.
I understand taking public transit or an Uber there to be on time, but you’re not rushing to get home. Thus, walk.