one of my favorite artists of all time!! most well known for the spiritual abstractions she painted in the first half of the 20th century. she was a member of the Transcendentalist Painting Group, whose goal was "to carry painting beyond the appearance of the physical world, through new concepts of space, color, light and design, to imaginative realms that are idealistic and spiritual." the work below is from 1926 (!!!) and is titled The Fountains.
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Jan 31, 2024

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Art is about more than identity, can allow us to transcend identity, but having been raised in the art world of the 90s, when painting was dying and women weren’t given the wall space they deserved, it’s a joy to watch femme painters rise to the top of the pile creatively and financially. I am lucky enough to cherish works by Jenna Gribbon, Jocelyn Hobbie, Kyle Staver, Ellen Birkinblit and my dear friend Issy Wood. I am currently obsessed with Larissa De Jesus Negron, Petra Cortright, Lucy Bull, Robin F. Williams, Somaya Critchlow, Gina Beavers and Cynthia Talmadge. It’s a lifetime dream to have a massive Lisa Yuskavage to wake up to (though I do have a print she gave me for my 26th birthday when I had a Soul Cycle party and everyone was mad except Lisa, who kicked all our millenial asses on the bike.)
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in the vein of mj's Internet Archive rec and caardamom's follow-up on the Wayback Machine, i point you towards Ubuweb, which describes itself as "a pirate shadow library consisting of hundreds of thousands of freely downloadable avant-garde artifacts." i usually find myself perusing the short films or dance sections, but there's so much of the avant-garde to explore!
Jan 23, 2024
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i think i'm a little late on this one because it came out near the end of last year, but got a few friends together to see this at a local indie theater. none of us had any idea what we were getting into, and i think that really worked, so i'm not going to share too much beyond saying that it was zany, funny, and shot beautifully.
Apr 11, 2024