& having clothes that fit properly! It’s expensive but also I will get more wear and joy out of pants that fit me properly. Am I a little worried that this dress will no longer fit me in a few months? Yes. However I know it’s gonna fit like a dream for now. Also big ups for finding a tailor who compliments you in an slightly-odd but honest european grandad way and tells you to not loose weight (but that you do need to buy bras 1 cup-size larger). Will be returning half to get my pants fixed and half to see Dean.
Feb 1, 2024

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Knowing I can simply waltz into a dry cleaner’s with alteration services near me and get some pants taken in at the waist emboldens me to make all sorts of questionable thrift purchases. But yet, it pays off every time. I think most people under 40 find it oddly intimidating to just go do this because they’re not sure how much it might cost? Or because it’s weirdly intimate to talk to a stranger about how you want your clothes fit on your body? But verily I tell you–it is usually costs less than $20-30, and anyone doing that job professionally has seen all sorts of weird vanity in action and absolutely doesn’t care.
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Learning to mend and make simple alterations to your clothes is hugely helpful and empowering, but finding a tailor you trust is also so worth it— it helps your clothes to change with your body, it can ease the frustration of feeling like things don’t fit, and it extends the life of your clothes, so that we’re buying less and keeping items out of landfills. Really no downsides, and it’s typically much cheaper than buying replacements.
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honestly recommend so hard. at least for women, I know a lot of clothes I buy are almost just right. something small is off, something doesn’t fit right in 1 area of my pants or shirt in the chicago neighborhoods ive lived & visited there’s often a local tailor & it’s not expensive and makes such a huge difference!
Oct 8, 2024

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have never not enjoyed being in an art supply store.
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went to a 25th birthday party at a local gallery and half of us spent two hours at the designated craft table making shrinky dinks. highly recommend, might steal for my own party in future.
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