Jesus fuck. growing up a neurodivergent kid w wavering mental health, a wavering home life, in and out of therapy, etc, you always hear “have you tried meditating”
No Susan I never fucking thought of that thank you for the recommendation
Well finally at my big age, I took the leap to start practicing and Jesus fuck. Why was I avoiding this my whole life. I have been so resistant to it because it’s intimidating, it’s not instant gratification every time, and it’s … well scary! What if I mess up. What you mean sitting still for ten or so mins and not thinking.
I have always been big into dreams. I’ve wrote down my dreams for as long as I can remember, have books upon books filled, and practice lucid dreaming. It’s kind of like that but without being asleep and without any anxiety inducing scenarios
It’s improved a lot of areas in my life in the two short months I have been practicing
I’m having fun