1939-1941 NYC attempted to photograph every building in all 5 Burroughs. very striking to me is the lack of plastic, there are wooden crates, pallets and barrels instead. There are NO TREES on streets or in the park nearest me. And there’s not a lot of garbage on the ground.
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Feb 1, 2024

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The car simps in political leadership and the enemies of a vibrant, sociable spaces have decided to do away with outdoor dining structures in favor of street parking. There are plenty of reasons to love these ad hoc hovels, designed and built to support once-struggling restaurants and cafes, ranging from the ramshackle to the wonderfully inventive. These photos are an endearing testament to our fellow humans' creative resilience. I'm sad for NYC and disappointed in our leaders for regressing to the status quo instead of embracing communal spaces.
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If you were to catalog all of the stuff littering one city block it would tell a beautiful story…
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Shortly after moving to New York I read (and re-read) Rem Koolhaas’ Delirious New York. He wrote it as a retroactive manifesto for the city that needed one and didn’t have one, but to me it reads like this really poetic and at times existential critique of the absurdity of NYC. The scale, the numbers and statistics, the unprecedented “grid”, why the city is the way it is, what lie beneath, and so on. Dave and I work in historic building restoration and getting to see the intricate inner-workings of how these old wooden structures are built is both deeply fascinating and horrifying.
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Plastic melts, ok?? if You’re exposed to fire your clothes will melt onto your FLESH. If you survive They will have to pick and peel the plastic off of you before they can graft. The marines banned Under Armour, the boys were PISSED, but it’s not good for them. polyester, nylon, rayon, lycra, etc. also FLEECE, doesnt Sound like it, but it is.
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It’s fine when you’re a kid, but as an adult people won’t realize your shy. you’ll Come off as rude. you might hurt their feelings. My grandma told me this.  Many shy people have their condition from a fear of presenting badly.
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We all know that one song (banger) and now it’s time to know this one.  It’s like if Kafka woke up as a baby deer instead and Everything was so beautiful.
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